Why HDPhonic?
Here explained the reasons that drove us to give birth to website

HDPhonic stems from the need to disseminate as much information as possible on high-end headphones and headphone amplifiers taking also into account all the latest developments made by digital audio.
HDPhonic wants to become a reference for all the fans who consider music reproduction through headphones an absolute dogma in the same manner as traditional fans of high-end audio. High-end headphones have really made great strides in recent years, always giving higher sonic performances to enthusiasts and occasional buyers.
This for four specific reasons.
High-end headphones offer an extended frequency response, wide dynamic range, resolution, speed of transients and a focus that only certain high priced models of speakers can hope to match or surpass.
If on the one hand, the so called state of the art headphones have list prices higher than 5,000 dollars, on the other hand listeners pointed out that the price of a good value headset is such that the disbursement due doesn’t come in mind-boggling figures.
As a traditional audio systems, those based on listening through headphones require components such as a source, an amplifier and a transducer without using a rack and without any room acoustic treatment.
Unlike listening systems based on speakers, even small ones, those based on headphones don’t require much space and especially can be fully appreciated at high listening volumes, at any time of the day or night without disturbing family members, friends or neighbors.
The world of audiophiles has found in the listening through headphones a viable and serious alternative to the concept of home stereo in its most common form of expression. Here’s the reason for the genesis of HDPhonic your new digital audio and headphones resource.